i have recently found a nail polish that i am so thrilled about. i have tried so many brands
and was addicted to opi for a long time, until now. not only is this polish cheap ($5/bottle),
but it actually stays on, has less chipping incidents and is thick enough you only need one coat.
the brand is ulta. you may or may not have heard of their stores
(click here to find a store near you). you can purchase their brand of polish in the store or online.
did i mention it's only $5 a bottle? to check out some of the colors visit ulta's website. they recently
had a buy one get one free sale (which happens pretty often) so watch for it again and
get two bottles for $5, such a great deal!! happy nail polish shopping.
I LOVE nail polish. I bite my fingernails, but maybe someday I'll get to use it...